Julie Leis - EA & ECE (Full time Kindergarten program)
I grew up in Milverton, ON and then attended Fanshawe college. I got married and did my ECE equivalency at Conestoga College. I’ve worked in many school systems as an EA over the years, as well as home day care while raising my 3 children and then ended up in Children's Ministry for 15 years. I was blessed to be married to Don for 27 years who went on to glory in 2019 and anticipate new beginnings this upcoming fall with Paul. God led me to OCS in 2020 where I have had the privilege of assisting students to grow into their fullest potential. I have a deep love for Golden retrievers and God’s beautiful sunrises. Orillia Christian School has been a gift allowing me to see God’s continued faithfulness in this season of my life. Isaiah 43