Train up a child in the way they should go; even when they are old they will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
"All thy children shall be taught of the Lord" Isaiah 54:13
These words are engraved in the brick at the entrance to Orillia Christian School and are the basis of the mission of Orillia Christian School.
Orillia Christian School exists to support Christian families in educating to equip the mind, heart and body of children through Christ-centred curriculum and teaching for service in the world.
God has given parents the awesome responsibility of stewarding children for a short time on earth. As stewards, parents are responsible for teaching their children the truths of God's word and pointing them to a relationship with God through Jesus. This is a monumental task but parents are not alone. God has also given the Church as a support to families in this endeavor. We believe that a Christian school can also be a support in this command to teach our children about the Lord.
Children spend a thousand hours each school year in classroom instruction. Imagine the difference a Christian school would make to help nurture your child’s faith and to help develop a worldview that stays true to Scripture. Orillia Christian School offers a quality Christian education based on a solid academic program. Everything we teach is taught through a Biblical lens and as such a Christian worldview is developed in every subject. All our teachers are certified by the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) who love the Lord and desire to see students grow in their love for God. Furthermore, the school culture and student life provide a safe place where your child can enjoy a deep sense of belonging as he/she learns more about the world around him/her.
We would love the opportunity to personally introduce you to our school where we seek to educate the mind and nurture the soul. Please send us an email or give us a call so we can share with you why we are so passionate about what we teach here at Orillia Christian School.
Jeremy Kuikman
Our History
In 1960 a number of Christians from various churches in the city had a vision that someday Christian education would be available in Orillia. They came together to form the Orillia Christian School Society. This society was never defined by one church or denomination but was from the very beginning a truly interdenominational endeavour…

To support Christian families in educating to equip the mind, heart and body of children through Christ-centred curriculum and teaching for service in the world.